SK Welding Ltd. is committed to leading the industry in minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment & assuring the health & safety of its valued employees on the job site.

- Management Involvement and Commitment
- Hazard Identification and Assessment
- Hazard Control
- Training
- Emergency Response
- Incident Reporting and Investigation
- Communications
- OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety)
- CSA Group (Canadian Standards Association)
- ISNetWorld
- ComplyWorks
- COR (Certificate of Recognition) – Enform
- WCB (Worker’s Compensation Board)
- Orientations – EGSO, Company, Client
- CSTS-09, PCST, PST 2.0
- H2S Alive
- Standard 1st Aid/CPR AED Lvl C
- Ground Disturbance Lvl II – ABCGA
- Fall Protection
- Confined Space
- Driver – NSC
- Operator Competency
- Environmental Protection
- Waste Management
- Spill Response
- Qualified personnel
- Site-specific orientation
- Hazard Assessment
- Meetings
- Equipment
- Emergency Response
- Management Involvement and Commitment
- Hazard Identification and Assessment
- Hazard Control
- Training
- Emergency Response
- Incident Reporting and Investigation
- Communications
- OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety)
- CSA Group (Canadian Standards Association)
- ISNetWorld
- ComplyWorks
- COR (Certificate of Recognition) – Enform
- WCB (Worker’s Compensation Board)